


Cowboy handlers.

Submodules of Erl.Cowboy.Handler each present a number of type abbreviations which match the required callback methods for a cowboy behaviour/callback module, along with bindings to construct/destruct native cowboy types where appropriate.

To correctly define a cowboy callback module the correct named bindings must be present at the top level with the appropriate types, if the EffectFnX based types in the handler modules are used along with correctly named top level bindings this should all work out, due to the way the purerl compiler generates code for uncurried function overloads of EffectFnX and FnX types. A no-op behaviour function is provided in each handler module to collect the mandatory callbacks with the correct names and types, if this is filled in with direct reference to top-level bindings, "this should all work out". It cannot be stressed enough this is all "assistive" optional make-believe, the value-level implementation of whateverBehaviour is a constant which will be ignored, all that matters is that you define values at the top level with the right names and types that ensure they get compiled to Erlang functions of the correct arity and behaviour.

An example for Erl.Cowboy.Handlers.WebSocket:

_behaviour :: CowboyWebsocketBehaviour
_behaviour = cowboyWebsocketBehaviour { init, websocket_handle, websocket_info }

init :: InitHandler Config HandlerState
init = ...

This module also contains utilities to assist in defing handlers using a the state monad transfomer. See Erl.Cowboy.Req.Monad for related convenience wrappers for working with request objects inside a state monad.

#runHandlerM Source

runHandlerM :: forall a b. (a -> Req -> b) -> HandlerM a -> Req -> Effect b