

The Prim.TypeError module is embedded in the PureScript compiler. Unlike Prim, it is not imported implicitly. It contains type classes that provide custom type error and warning functionality.


class Warn (message :: Doc) 

The Warn type class allows a custom compiler warning to be displayed.

For more information, see the Custom Type Errors guide.


class Fail (message :: Doc) 

The Fail type class is part of the custom type errors feature. To provide a custom type error when someone tries to use a particular instance, write that instance out with a Fail constraint.

For more information, see the Custom Type Errors guide.


data Doc :: Type

Doc is the kind of type-level documents.

This kind is used with the Fail and Warn type classes. Build up a Doc with Text, Quote, QuoteLabel, Beside, and Above.


data Text :: Symbol -> Doc

The Text type constructor makes a Doc from a Symbol to be used in a custom type error.

For more information, see the Custom Type Errors guide.


data Quote :: Type -> Doc

The Quote type constructor renders any concrete type as a Doc to be used in a custom type error.

For more information, see the Custom Type Errors guide.


data QuoteLabel :: Symbol -> Doc

The QuoteLabel type constructor will produce a Doc when given a Symbol. When the resulting Doc is rendered for a Warn or Fail constraint, a syntactically valid label will be produced, escaping with quotes as needed.

For more information, see the Custom Type Errors guide.


data Beside :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc

The Beside type constructor combines two Docs horizontally to be used in a custom type error.

For more information, see the Custom Type Errors guide.


data Above :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc

The Above type constructor combines two Docs vertically in a custom type error.

For more information, see the Custom Type Errors guide.