- Package
- erl-untagged-union
- Repository
- id3as/purescript-erl-untagged-union
#Item Source
data Item :: Type -> Choices -> Choices
IsInChoices item (Item item tail) tail
(IsInChoices item tail remTail) => IsInChoices item (Item t tail) (Item t remTail)
(GatherTypes tail tailWithTypes, RuntimeType item itemRuntimeType, AddRuntimeType item itemRuntimeType tailWithTypes withTypes) => GatherTypes (Item item tail) withTypes
(CanShow tail, Show item, RuntimeType item d, RuntimeTypeMatch (Item item tail) d) => CanShow (Item item tail)
(CanEq tail, Eq item, RuntimeType item d, RuntimeTypeMatch (Item item tail) d) => CanEq (Item item tail)
#Union Source
data Union :: Choices -> Type
data Union choices
(IsInChoices msg choices t1) => IsSupportedMessage msg (Union choices)
HasNoConversions (Union choices)
(CanShow choices) => Show (Union choices)
(CanEq choices) => Eq (Union choices)
#inj Source
inj :: forall a choices rem. IsInChoices a choices rem => ValidChoices choices => a -> Union choices
#prj Source
prj :: forall a choices d rem. IsInChoices a choices rem => RuntimeType a d => RuntimeTypeMatch (Item a Nil) d => Union choices -> Maybe a
#on Source
on :: forall a x d choices rem. IsInChoices a choices rem => RuntimeType a d => RuntimeTypeMatch (Item a Nil) d => (a -> x) -> (Union rem -> x) -> Union choices -> x
#ChoicesWithType Source
data ChoicesWithType
#NilWithType Source
data NilWithType :: ChoicesWithType
GatherTypes Nil NilWithType
IsAmbiguous NilWithType
IsAmbiguous' toCheck toCheckType NilWithType
#TermWithType Source
data TermWithType :: ChoicesWithType
GatherTypes Term TermWithType
IsAmbiguous TermWithType
IsAmbiguous' toCheck toCheckType TermWithType
#ItemWithType Source
data ItemWithType :: Type -> RTTerm -> ChoicesWithType -> ChoicesWithType
AddRuntimeType item rtType initial (ItemWithType item rtType initial)
(IsAmbiguous tail, IsAmbiguous' item itemRuntimeType tail) => IsAmbiguous (ItemWithType item itemRuntimeType tail)
(IsAmbiguousType toCheckType compareType isAmbiguous, MaybeFail isAmbiguous toCheck toCheckType compare compareType, IsAmbiguous' toCheck toCheckType tail) => IsAmbiguous' toCheck toCheckType (ItemWithType compare compareType tail)
#ValidChoices Source
class ValidChoices :: Choices -> Constraint
class ValidChoices choices
(GatherTypes choices choicesWithTypes, IsAmbiguous choicesWithTypes) => ValidChoices choices
#IsSupportedMessage Source
class IsSupportedMessage msg1 msg2
(IsInChoices msg choices t1) => IsSupportedMessage msg (Union choices)
(HasNoConversions msg) => IsSupportedMessage msg msg
#IsInChoices Source
class IsInChoices :: Type -> Choices -> Choices -> Constraint
class IsInChoices item choices rem | item choices -> rem
IsInChoices item (Item item tail) tail
(IsInChoices item tail remTail) => IsInChoices item (Item t tail) (Item t remTail)
#RuntimeType Source
class RuntimeType :: Type -> RTTerm -> Constraint
class RuntimeType a t | a -> t
RuntimeType Atom RTAtom
RuntimeType Int RTInt
RuntimeType String RTString
RuntimeType Binary RTBinary
RuntimeType (List a) RTList
RuntimeType Number RTNumber
RuntimeType (Atom sym) (RTLiteralAtom sym)
(RuntimeType a a') => RuntimeType (Tuple1 a) (RTTuple1 a')
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b') => RuntimeType (Tuple2 a b) (RTTuple2 a' b')
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c') => RuntimeType (Tuple3 a b c) (RTTuple3 a' b' c')
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d') => RuntimeType (Tuple4 a b c d) (RTTuple4 a' b' c' d')
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d', RuntimeType e e') => RuntimeType (Tuple5 a b c d e) (RTTuple5 a' b' c' d' e')
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d', RuntimeType e e', RuntimeType f f') => RuntimeType (Tuple6 a b c d e f) (RTTuple6 a' b' c' d' e' f')
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d', RuntimeType e e', RuntimeType f f', RuntimeType g g') => RuntimeType (Tuple7 a b c d e f g) (RTTuple7 a' b' c' d' e' f' g')
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d', RuntimeType e e', RuntimeType f f', RuntimeType g g', RuntimeType h h') => RuntimeType (Tuple8 a b c d e f g h) (RTTuple8 a' b' c' d' e' f' g' h')
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d', RuntimeType e e', RuntimeType f f', RuntimeType g g', RuntimeType h h', RuntimeType i i') => RuntimeType (Tuple9 a b c d e f g h i) (RTTuple9 a' b' c' d' e' f' g' h' i')
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d', RuntimeType e e', RuntimeType f f', RuntimeType g g', RuntimeType h h', RuntimeType i i', RuntimeType j j') => RuntimeType (Tuple10 a b c d e f g h i j) (RTTuple10 a' b' c' d' e' f' g' h' i' j')
#GatherTypes Source
class GatherTypes :: Choices -> ChoicesWithType -> Constraint
class GatherTypes choices choicesWithType | choices -> choicesWithType
GatherTypes Nil NilWithType
GatherTypes Term TermWithType
(GatherTypes tail tailWithTypes, RuntimeType item itemRuntimeType, AddRuntimeType item itemRuntimeType tailWithTypes withTypes) => GatherTypes (Item item tail) withTypes
#AddRuntimeType Source
class AddRuntimeType :: Type -> RTTerm -> ChoicesWithType -> ChoicesWithType -> Constraint
class AddRuntimeType item rtType initial final | item rtType initial -> final
(AddRuntimeType item option1 initial final', AddRuntimeType item option2 final' final) => AddRuntimeType item (RTOption option1 option2) initial final
AddRuntimeType item rtType initial (ItemWithType item rtType initial)
#IsAmbiguous Source
class IsAmbiguous :: ChoicesWithType -> Constraint
class IsAmbiguous choicesWithType
IsAmbiguous NilWithType
IsAmbiguous TermWithType
(IsAmbiguous tail, IsAmbiguous' item itemRuntimeType tail) => IsAmbiguous (ItemWithType item itemRuntimeType tail)
#IsAmbiguous' Source
class IsAmbiguous' :: Type -> RTTerm -> ChoicesWithType -> Constraint
class IsAmbiguous' toCheck toCheckType types
IsAmbiguous' toCheck toCheckType NilWithType
IsAmbiguous' toCheck toCheckType TermWithType
(IsAmbiguousType toCheckType compareType isAmbiguous, MaybeFail isAmbiguous toCheck toCheckType compare compareType, IsAmbiguous' toCheck toCheckType tail) => IsAmbiguous' toCheck toCheckType (ItemWithType compare compareType tail)
#IsAmbiguousType Source
class IsAmbiguousType :: RTTerm -> RTTerm -> Boolean -> Constraint
class IsAmbiguousType lhs rhs result | lhs rhs -> result
IsAmbiguousType a a True
IsAmbiguousType RTWildcard a True
IsAmbiguousType a RTWildcard True
IsAmbiguousType RTAtom (RTLiteralAtom sym) True
IsAmbiguousType RTBinary RTString True
IsAmbiguousType RTString RTBinary True
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple1 a1) (RTTuple1 b1) result
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, And aResult bResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple2 a1 a2) (RTTuple2 b1 b2) result
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple3 a1 a2 a3) (RTTuple3 b1 b2 b3) result
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple4 a1 a2 a3 a4) (RTTuple4 b1 b2 b3 b4) result
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, IsAmbiguousType a5 b5 eResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult abcdResult, And abcdResult eResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple5 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) (RTTuple5 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5) result
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, IsAmbiguousType a5 b5 eResult, IsAmbiguousType a6 b6 fResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult abcdResult, And abcdResult eResult abcdeResult, And abcdeResult fResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple6 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6) (RTTuple6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6) result
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, IsAmbiguousType a5 b5 eResult, IsAmbiguousType a6 b6 fResult, IsAmbiguousType a7 b7 gResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult abcdResult, And abcdResult eResult abcdeResult, And abcdeResult fResult abcdefResult, And abcdefResult gResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple7 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7) (RTTuple7 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7) result
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, IsAmbiguousType a5 b5 eResult, IsAmbiguousType a6 b6 fResult, IsAmbiguousType a7 b7 gResult, IsAmbiguousType a8 b8 hResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult abcdResult, And abcdResult eResult abcdeResult, And abcdeResult fResult abcdefResult, And abcdefResult gResult abcdefgResult, And abcdefgResult hResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple8 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8) (RTTuple8 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8) result
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, IsAmbiguousType a5 b5 eResult, IsAmbiguousType a6 b6 fResult, IsAmbiguousType a7 b7 gResult, IsAmbiguousType a8 b8 hResult, IsAmbiguousType a9 b9 iResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult abcdResult, And abcdResult eResult abcdeResult, And abcdeResult fResult abcdefResult, And abcdefResult gResult abcdefgResult, And abcdefgResult hResult abcdefghResult, And abcdefghResult iResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple9 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9) (RTTuple9 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9) result
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, IsAmbiguousType a5 b5 eResult, IsAmbiguousType a6 b6 fResult, IsAmbiguousType a7 b7 gResult, IsAmbiguousType a8 b8 hResult, IsAmbiguousType a9 b9 iResult, IsAmbiguousType a10 b10 jResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult abcdResult, And abcdResult eResult abcdeResult, And abcdeResult fResult abcdefResult, And abcdefResult gResult abcdefgResult, And abcdefgResult hResult abcdefghResult, And abcdefghResult iResult abcdefghiResult, And abcdefghiResult jResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple10 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10) (RTTuple10 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10) result
IsAmbiguousType a b False
#RuntimeTypeMatch Source
class RuntimeTypeMatch :: Choices -> RTTerm -> Constraint
class RuntimeTypeMatch choices d where
RuntimeTypeMatch choices RTWildcard
RuntimeTypeMatch choices RTString
RuntimeTypeMatch choices RTInt
RuntimeTypeMatch choices RTAtom
RuntimeTypeMatch choices RTBinary
RuntimeTypeMatch choices RTList
(IsSymbol sym) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTLiteralAtom sym)
(IsSymbol sym, IsSymbol convSym) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTLiteralAtomConvert sym convSym)
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTOption a b)
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple1 a)
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple2 a b)
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple3 a b c)
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple4 a b c d)
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d, RuntimeTypeMatch choices e) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple5 a b c d e)
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d, RuntimeTypeMatch choices e, RuntimeTypeMatch choices f) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple6 a b c d e f)
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d, RuntimeTypeMatch choices e, RuntimeTypeMatch choices f, RuntimeTypeMatch choices g) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple7 a b c d e f g)
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d, RuntimeTypeMatch choices e, RuntimeTypeMatch choices f, RuntimeTypeMatch choices g, RuntimeTypeMatch choices h) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple8 a b c d e f g h)
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d, RuntimeTypeMatch choices e, RuntimeTypeMatch choices f, RuntimeTypeMatch choices g, RuntimeTypeMatch choices h, RuntimeTypeMatch choices i) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple9 a b c d e f g h i)
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d, RuntimeTypeMatch choices e, RuntimeTypeMatch choices f, RuntimeTypeMatch choices g, RuntimeTypeMatch choices h, RuntimeTypeMatch choices i, RuntimeTypeMatch choices j) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple10 a b c d e f g h i j)
#HasNoConversions Source
class HasNoConversions msg
HasNoConversions (Union choices)
(RuntimeType msg t, HasNoConversionsRT t) => HasNoConversions msg
#HasNoConversionsRT Source
class HasNoConversionsRT :: RTTerm -> Constraint
class HasNoConversionsRT term
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTOption a b)
HasNoConversionsRT RTWildcard
HasNoConversionsRT RTAtom
HasNoConversionsRT (RTLiteralAtom symbol)
HasNoConversionsRT RTInt
HasNoConversionsRT RTString
HasNoConversionsRT RTBinary
HasNoConversionsRT RTList
HasNoConversionsRT RTNumber
(HasNoConversionsRT a) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple1 a)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple2 a b)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple3 a b c)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple4 a b c d)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d, HasNoConversionsRT e) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple5 a b c d e)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d, HasNoConversionsRT e, HasNoConversionsRT f) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple6 a b c d e f)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d, HasNoConversionsRT e, HasNoConversionsRT f, HasNoConversionsRT g) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple7 a b c d e f g)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d, HasNoConversionsRT e, HasNoConversionsRT f, HasNoConversionsRT g, HasNoConversionsRT h) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple8 a b c d e f g h)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d, HasNoConversionsRT e, HasNoConversionsRT f, HasNoConversionsRT g, HasNoConversionsRT h, HasNoConversionsRT i) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple9 a b c d e f g h i)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d, HasNoConversionsRT e, HasNoConversionsRT f, HasNoConversionsRT g, HasNoConversionsRT h, HasNoConversionsRT i, HasNoConversionsRT j) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple10 a b c d e f g h i j)
#MaybeFail Source
class MaybeFail :: Boolean -> Type -> RTTerm -> Type -> RTTerm -> Constraint
class MaybeFail result toCheck toCheckType compare compareType
(Fail (Above (Text "Ambiguous Union") (Above (Beside (Quote toCheck) (Beside (Text " : ") (Quote (Proxy toCheckType)))) (Beside (Quote compare) (Beside (Text " : ") (Quote (Proxy compareType))))))) => MaybeFail True toCheck toCheckType compare compareType
MaybeFail False toCheck toCheckType compare compareType
#RTWildcard Source
data RTWildcard :: RTTerm
#RTOption Source
data RTOption :: RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTOption a b)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTOption a b)
(AddRuntimeType item option1 initial final', AddRuntimeType item option2 final' final) => AddRuntimeType item (RTOption option1 option2) initial final
#RTLiteralAtom Source
data RTLiteralAtom :: Symbol -> RTTerm
(IsSymbol sym) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTLiteralAtom sym)
HasNoConversionsRT (RTLiteralAtom symbol)
RuntimeType (Atom sym) (RTLiteralAtom sym)
IsAmbiguousType RTAtom (RTLiteralAtom sym) True
#RTLiteralAtomConvert Source
data RTLiteralAtomConvert :: Symbol -> Symbol -> RTTerm
(IsSymbol sym, IsSymbol convSym) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTLiteralAtomConvert sym convSym)
#RTTuple1 Source
data RTTuple1 :: RTTerm -> RTTerm
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple1 a)
(HasNoConversionsRT a) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple1 a)
(RuntimeType a a') => RuntimeType (Tuple1 a) (RTTuple1 a')
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple1 a1) (RTTuple1 b1) result
#RTTuple2 Source
data RTTuple2 :: RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple2 a b)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple2 a b)
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b') => RuntimeType (Tuple2 a b) (RTTuple2 a' b')
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, And aResult bResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple2 a1 a2) (RTTuple2 b1 b2) result
#RTTuple3 Source
data RTTuple3 :: RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple3 a b c)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple3 a b c)
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c') => RuntimeType (Tuple3 a b c) (RTTuple3 a' b' c')
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple3 a1 a2 a3) (RTTuple3 b1 b2 b3) result
#RTTuple4 Source
data RTTuple4 :: RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple4 a b c d)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple4 a b c d)
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d') => RuntimeType (Tuple4 a b c d) (RTTuple4 a' b' c' d')
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple4 a1 a2 a3 a4) (RTTuple4 b1 b2 b3 b4) result
#RTTuple5 Source
data RTTuple5 :: RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d, RuntimeTypeMatch choices e) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple5 a b c d e)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d, HasNoConversionsRT e) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple5 a b c d e)
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d', RuntimeType e e') => RuntimeType (Tuple5 a b c d e) (RTTuple5 a' b' c' d' e')
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, IsAmbiguousType a5 b5 eResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult abcdResult, And abcdResult eResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple5 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) (RTTuple5 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5) result
#RTTuple6 Source
data RTTuple6 :: RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d, RuntimeTypeMatch choices e, RuntimeTypeMatch choices f) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple6 a b c d e f)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d, HasNoConversionsRT e, HasNoConversionsRT f) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple6 a b c d e f)
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d', RuntimeType e e', RuntimeType f f') => RuntimeType (Tuple6 a b c d e f) (RTTuple6 a' b' c' d' e' f')
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, IsAmbiguousType a5 b5 eResult, IsAmbiguousType a6 b6 fResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult abcdResult, And abcdResult eResult abcdeResult, And abcdeResult fResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple6 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6) (RTTuple6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6) result
#RTTuple7 Source
data RTTuple7 :: RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d, RuntimeTypeMatch choices e, RuntimeTypeMatch choices f, RuntimeTypeMatch choices g) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple7 a b c d e f g)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d, HasNoConversionsRT e, HasNoConversionsRT f, HasNoConversionsRT g) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple7 a b c d e f g)
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d', RuntimeType e e', RuntimeType f f', RuntimeType g g') => RuntimeType (Tuple7 a b c d e f g) (RTTuple7 a' b' c' d' e' f' g')
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, IsAmbiguousType a5 b5 eResult, IsAmbiguousType a6 b6 fResult, IsAmbiguousType a7 b7 gResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult abcdResult, And abcdResult eResult abcdeResult, And abcdeResult fResult abcdefResult, And abcdefResult gResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple7 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7) (RTTuple7 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7) result
#RTTuple8 Source
data RTTuple8 :: RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d, RuntimeTypeMatch choices e, RuntimeTypeMatch choices f, RuntimeTypeMatch choices g, RuntimeTypeMatch choices h) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple8 a b c d e f g h)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d, HasNoConversionsRT e, HasNoConversionsRT f, HasNoConversionsRT g, HasNoConversionsRT h) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple8 a b c d e f g h)
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d', RuntimeType e e', RuntimeType f f', RuntimeType g g', RuntimeType h h') => RuntimeType (Tuple8 a b c d e f g h) (RTTuple8 a' b' c' d' e' f' g' h')
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, IsAmbiguousType a5 b5 eResult, IsAmbiguousType a6 b6 fResult, IsAmbiguousType a7 b7 gResult, IsAmbiguousType a8 b8 hResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult abcdResult, And abcdResult eResult abcdeResult, And abcdeResult fResult abcdefResult, And abcdefResult gResult abcdefgResult, And abcdefgResult hResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple8 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8) (RTTuple8 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8) result
#RTTuple9 Source
data RTTuple9 :: RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d, RuntimeTypeMatch choices e, RuntimeTypeMatch choices f, RuntimeTypeMatch choices g, RuntimeTypeMatch choices h, RuntimeTypeMatch choices i) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple9 a b c d e f g h i)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d, HasNoConversionsRT e, HasNoConversionsRT f, HasNoConversionsRT g, HasNoConversionsRT h, HasNoConversionsRT i) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple9 a b c d e f g h i)
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d', RuntimeType e e', RuntimeType f f', RuntimeType g g', RuntimeType h h', RuntimeType i i') => RuntimeType (Tuple9 a b c d e f g h i) (RTTuple9 a' b' c' d' e' f' g' h' i')
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, IsAmbiguousType a5 b5 eResult, IsAmbiguousType a6 b6 fResult, IsAmbiguousType a7 b7 gResult, IsAmbiguousType a8 b8 hResult, IsAmbiguousType a9 b9 iResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult abcdResult, And abcdResult eResult abcdeResult, And abcdeResult fResult abcdefResult, And abcdefResult gResult abcdefgResult, And abcdefgResult hResult abcdefghResult, And abcdefghResult iResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple9 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9) (RTTuple9 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9) result
#RTTuple10 Source
data RTTuple10 :: RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm -> RTTerm
(RuntimeTypeMatch choices a, RuntimeTypeMatch choices b, RuntimeTypeMatch choices c, RuntimeTypeMatch choices d, RuntimeTypeMatch choices e, RuntimeTypeMatch choices f, RuntimeTypeMatch choices g, RuntimeTypeMatch choices h, RuntimeTypeMatch choices i, RuntimeTypeMatch choices j) => RuntimeTypeMatch choices (RTTuple10 a b c d e f g h i j)
(HasNoConversionsRT a, HasNoConversionsRT b, HasNoConversionsRT c, HasNoConversionsRT d, HasNoConversionsRT e, HasNoConversionsRT f, HasNoConversionsRT g, HasNoConversionsRT h, HasNoConversionsRT i, HasNoConversionsRT j) => HasNoConversionsRT (RTTuple10 a b c d e f g h i j)
(RuntimeType a a', RuntimeType b b', RuntimeType c c', RuntimeType d d', RuntimeType e e', RuntimeType f f', RuntimeType g g', RuntimeType h h', RuntimeType i i', RuntimeType j j') => RuntimeType (Tuple10 a b c d e f g h i j) (RTTuple10 a' b' c' d' e' f' g' h' i' j')
(IsAmbiguousType a1 b1 aResult, IsAmbiguousType a2 b2 bResult, IsAmbiguousType a3 b3 cResult, IsAmbiguousType a4 b4 dResult, IsAmbiguousType a5 b5 eResult, IsAmbiguousType a6 b6 fResult, IsAmbiguousType a7 b7 gResult, IsAmbiguousType a8 b8 hResult, IsAmbiguousType a9 b9 iResult, IsAmbiguousType a10 b10 jResult, And aResult bResult abResult, And abResult cResult abcResult, And abcResult dResult abcdResult, And abcdResult eResult abcdeResult, And abcdeResult fResult abcdefResult, And abcdefResult gResult abcdefgResult, And abcdefgResult hResult abcdefghResult, And abcdefghResult iResult abcdefghiResult, And abcdefghiResult jResult result) => IsAmbiguousType (RTTuple10 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10) (RTTuple10 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10) result
- Modules
- Erl.
Untagged. Union